Client List Now Full. Waiting list being taken.

Hello everyone,

I've been getting a lot of calls from new clients and those with medium and larger dogs. I'm afraid my client list is now full and I no longer do medium or large dogs. (Wear and tear on my body, I really do love all dogs).

There just aren't enough hours in the day sadly, and providing top of the range care for my existing clients is my priority.

Thank you everyone for the referrals and word of mouth. It means the world to me.

Most immense thanks to the fabulous humans who keep their dogs on a regular schedule with me and keep them in tip top condition. You are the way all dog owners should be. 🧡

If you would like to be added to my clientèle waiting list then let me know. I may be able to open some spaces as my older clients sadly pass or people move away etc. All new clients must agree to be on at least a 6 to 10 week booking schedule.

Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.
